速報APP / 遊戲 / Lava Battle Ground

Lava Battle Ground





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Russia, Moscow, Gastello str. 41-192

Lava Battle Ground(圖1)-速報App


Lava beasts were created to mark a new stage of global evolution. When the monsters got intelligence and access to development of technology, they found that symbiosis with the machine will make monsters very powerful, Beast-fusion tech has evolved a stronger breed of predators on the border of organic and technological matters: terrifying soldiers of hell. But these beasts rebelled against us. Civilization collapsed. Humanity dissolved.

Fight back with giant beasts evolved from crabs, the armor-plated bugs, mutated insects. Humankind’s last stand has passed long ago. A new era of hungry beasts began. Only monsters left who have to fight to survive. War of the future is upon us and the age of war is here.

Lava Battle Ground(圖2)-速報App


- Evolve! Start as small larva and finish a giant furious beast ready to unleash its rampage on enemies. The process of evolution of monsters is up to you!

- Eat! Collect DNA to craft and create your own monsters.

- Fight! Attack other monsters on the arena. New victims are a good food for you!

Lava Battle Ground(圖3)-速報App


- Dozens of different beasts: forge you mighty engineered monster. Variety of monsters might be combined to create new different monsters

- RPG elements: crank up stats, upgrade fierce monsters, beautify skins and stomp your way to empire glory.

Lava Battle Ground(圖4)-速報App

- Number of game modes: Collect items and resources in scavenger mode or try to survive against hordes of monsters in survival mode. But watch out for your neighbors, they too will do whatever it takes to survive.

Lava Battle Ground(圖5)-速報App